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Pet Allergy Testing.

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Pet Allergy Testing

The best for your pet.

Pet Allergy Testing.

Just as humans do, dogs and cats develop allergies that may present a variety of symptoms, including respiratory issues, skin conditions, and digestive problems. St. John's AAH provides allergy testing at our St. Johns, FL, location to determine if your pet is allergic to environmental factors.

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Common cat and dog allergies

Any animal can develop allergies over the course of his or her lifetime. However, some dog breeds are more prone to allergies:

  • Terriers
  • Setters
  • Retrievers
  • Flat-faced breeds like pugs and bulldogs

Typical symptoms seen in dogs with allergies include itchy and red skin, increased scratching, constant licking, sneezing and coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, and swollen paws. Common dog allergens include grass, trees, pollen, mold, dust, dander, feathers, food ingredients, prescription drugs, cleaning products, grooming supplies, and certain fabrics.

Cats may also develop allergies over time. Common symptoms include itchy skin and eyes, sneezing and coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, and swollen paws. Cats can be allergic to many of the same things that impact dogs.

Cats and dogs allergy testing

The only way to know for sure if your pet's symptoms are due to an allergy is to have Dr. Venkat Gutta or Dr. Sri at our St. John's office provide a thorough examination. During the exam, the vet may recommend allergy testing if the cause of your pet's symptoms is likely due to an allergic reaction.

Based on the symptoms your dog or cat is exhibiting, the veterinarian will encourage testing for specific allergens. Allergy testing is done through blood tests and intradermal skin testing, which help to pinpoint allergens that may be causing discomfort or contributing to the condition. If food is a suspected cause, the doctor may also suggest a hypoallergenic diet to rule out pet food allergy.