cat & dog laying together


More than a shiny coat: The value and health benefits of professional grooming services.

At St. John's Affordable Animal Hospital, we prioritize your pet's overall well-being, including grooming, as it plays a vital role in the overall health of your dogs and cats. Problems with the skin, fur, and nails can adversely affect your pet's overall health and well-being. In addition to health problems that can arise as the result of poor grooming, the professional pet grooming services available at our veterinary clinic in St. Johns, Florida, present opportunities for us to “catch” systemic illnesses and risks.


Problems such as parasites and even tumors can be found while assessing your pup's or cat's skin and fur. Additionally, even seemingly subtle or innocuous changes, like a lackluster coat, may indicate everything from hormonal problems to diabetes.

There is considerable power in these routine and healthy habits, which go beyond supporting a beautiful and fresh-smelling pet (as important as those benefits are!).

These services also reinforce and align well with our focus on preventive, proactive care. We try to get ahead of problems before they affect your pet's health and quality of life and result in the need for more extensive, costly treatment and recovery.

What to expect

There are parallels between the services available at your salon and those available courtesy of our professional groomers and veterinary care team. Generally, pet dermatology or grooming services are focused on maintaining or restoring the health and condition of the hair/fur, skin (including pesky skin folds), ears, and nails.

Depending on your canine or feline friend's needs at a given time, the grooming appointment might include:

  • “Spot” treatments and deodorization
  • Cuts; for instance, “lion cuts” for kitties with long or matted hair
  • Bathing
  • Brushing
  • Proper drying
  • Trimming
  • Medicated shampoos and products (such as those to brighten coats or ease the itch)
  • Trimming of nails (or “pawdicures”)
  • Wax removal and ear cleansing, especially for droopy-eared dogs

Keep in mind that there is an “art” to seemingly simple and routine behaviors and habits. Every member of our team is highly trained on the right techniques and products to comfortably, safely, and effectively bathe, brush, dry, and trim your pup's or cat's fur/hair and on the other services listed here.

Furthermore, by combining the expertise of veterinarians and skilled professional groomers, our team can work together to identify suspicious bumps or lumps. What our groomers find, from strange spots and patches to “flea dirt,” may warrant further investigation by our veterinarians.

It should also be noted that even “small things,” such as overgrown nails, can turn into big problems for your pet. When we do not stay on top of trimming your dog's nails, for instance, it can alter the gait and result in all sorts of problems - from pain to joint damage.

Is your pet due for its “spa treatment?”
Call (904) 230-9099 to schedule an appointment at Saint John's Affordable Animal Hospital in St. Johns, FL. When you call, be sure to ask about our affordable wellness plans.

These in-house savings plans generally cover regular comprehensive exams and everything from parasite screening to dental cleanings for a low, no-surprise, and no-strings-attached fee. We keep your pup or kitty feeling, looking, and being their healthy, energetic best!

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Hit the Get In Touch With Us button below and fill out the form so we can properly connect you with a team member who can help. Prefer speaking with a human to filling out a form? Call our corporate office at the phone number listed below.